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Building a Quality Future

Reliable, Affordable Housing since 1992

Questions? Give us a call or send us a message



The Guadalupe Community Development Corporation is a Non-Profit Organization incorporated in 1992. The Guadalupe CDC has provided service and support to the Town of Guadalupe in assisting individuals and families with the availability and quality affordable housing for low and moderate incomes. 



Affordable Housing Program

The Guadalupe CDC currently offers an affordable housing program in developing constructions of new homes for low and moderate income individuals and families seeking homeownership. Please view the housing page for program qualifications and requirements.

Homeowner Rehabilitation Services

Homeowner rehabilitation services are provided for those in need of housing assistance or improvements subject to the availability of funds. As of right now the Guadalupe CDC is currently not accepting rehab applications at this time.

Down Payment Assistance

In conjunction with our mission to promote the availability and quality of affordable housing for low income individuals and families we provide down payment assistance to reduce the loan mortgage and cover closing costs.

Credit Financial Assistance

Regardless of your income level, The Guadalupe CDC staff can help you understand and improve your credit rating. We will help you obtain a copy of your credit report, analyze it with you, identify problems, and show you what you can do to improve your score. 



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